Account create custom protocol operation and wrote JSON object with back-link to previous object in history. If blockchain is going forward, Voice protocol can be readed backward. It can be done if blockchain node store block number of contains last custom protocol operation (available by custom_protocol_api
Example: Account A wrote custom operations in blocks: 100, 150, 200. Blockchain store that account A last custom operation in block 200. We can extract operations from block number 200 and search for activity from account A. Operation contain JSON object with attribute, that contain previous block number with same protocol activity: 150. We can step down every time going to parse back-linked JSON objects for achive all account A activity. That’s it! Backward activity feed in move forward blockchain architecture.
Using new url scheme with format:
Provide simple access to specific data from account in block number. Protocol shortname is optional.
Custom protocol have been allowing to operate with any JSON data. Weakly typed structure mean version dependece for new features implementation. If new feature broke back compatibility it is needed to increase version. If attribute is default it is not needed to exist in object. Short name of attributes required for minimize operation size.
Example: Default version is 1. It is optional if marked by
Attribute short | Attribute long | Description |
v* | version | Increase if back compatibility is broken. |
p | previous | Block number for previous account activity in current protocol scope. |
t | type | Contains type of object. Default value: t (text). |
d | data | Contains data of object. |
Type description: Simple short text note without markup.
Attribute short | Attribute long | Description |
t | text | Simple text note. |
r* | reply | Link to replied context in viz:// url scheme. |
s* | share | Link to shared context in any url scheme. |
b* | beneficiaries | Array of objects contains {account,weight} for awarding beneficiaries details. |
Type description: Extended text with voice markdown markup.
Attribute short | Attribute long | Description |
t | title | Publication title. |
m | markdown | Publication text with voice markdown. |
d* | description | Publication short description for preview. |
i* | image | Link to publication image for preview thumbnail. |
r* | reply | Link to replied context in viz:// url scheme. |
s* | share | Link to shared context in any url scheme. |
b* | beneficiaries | Array of objects contains {account,weight} for awarding beneficiaries details. |
Type description: AES-256-CBC encrypted object. The new data is found in the parameter type nt (new type), either inside d/data or outside. When the object is decrypted, it is deleted.
Attribute short | Attribute long | Description |
d | data | An encrypted string inside which the json of the object of the desired data structure is stored. The structure type is stored in the nt (new type) parameter and can be anything. Including newly encoded. |
nt* | new type | An optional new object type that will be assigned upon successful data decryption. |
c* | comment | Comment to the encrypted object. Allows you to leave a mark both for yourself and for an outside observer (used mainly for riddles and quests with a reward inside). |